DTN writer Pam Smith reported last week that, “How dicamba goes to the field in 2019 is still up in the air, but an Illinois group has joined similar efforts to make sure the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hears concerns and to offer alternatives to current regulations.”
Ms. Smith indicated that, “A historic number of pesticide complaints in the state prompted the Illinois Fertilizer and Chemical Association (IFCA) to make four suggestions that would further define labels for the three herbicides used in the Xtend cropping system. Those suggestions include:
1. Growers should submit the type of soybean trait planted on all sides of any Xtend field that is intended to be treated with dicamba, in a form signed by the grower and provided to the applicator, ahead of any commercial application.
2. Do not apply if sensitive crops are adjacent to the field of application in any direction. (Label currently states do not apply when wind is blowing toward adjacent sensitive crop)
3. Do not apply beyond the V6 growth stage for soybeans. (Current labels state R1)
4. Do not apply after June 30 of each calendar year.”
The DTN update added, “IFCA represents members of the agriculture input industry including chemical and fertilizer manufacturers, distributors, ag retailers and application equipment suppliers. Association President Jean Payne said the recommendations presented to EPA this week were not made lightly, and that she expects they will be viewed by many as going too far and others will deem they do not go far enough.”