A news release Friday from USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) stated that, “[FSA] reminds farm owners of the September 30 deadline to update Price Loss Coverage (PLC) program yields for covered commodities on the farm. This is a one-time opportunity for producers to update yields, which are used to calculate 2020 through 2023 payments.
“‘Don’t miss this one-time opportunity to update yields for the Price Loss Coverage program,’ said FSA Administrator Richard Fordyce. ‘Please contact your FSA county office to schedule an appointment.’
“Updating yields requires the signature of one owner on a farm and not all owners. If a yield update is not made, no action is required to maintain the existing base crop yield on file with FSA.”
The update added that, “For more information, reference resources, and decision tools, visit farmers.gov/arc-plc or contact your FSA county office, which can be located at farmers.gov/service-center-locator.”