City leaders here [Ballwin] are discussing new rules on hives that have some beekeepers buzzing.
“Citing a recent complaint, the rules are in a proposed ordinance that ‘recognizes the importance of bees as pollinators for the preservation of the ecosystem, but seeks to regulate the safekeeping of bees for the comfort and safety of all citizens.’
“Among the rules would be restrictions on the types of hives allowed and their placement on residents’ lots.”
Ms. Lisenby noted that, “Beekeepers question how the city would enforce such a rule when bees can travel on average of three miles from their hive to forage.
“However, beekeepers agree some of the proposed rules, such as providing law enforcement with a contact list with the name, address and phone numbers of beekeepers in case of emergency, are good ideas.”
The Post-Dispatch article added that, “Ballwin isn’t the only local city where officials have set regulations on beekeepers or considered them.
“The board modeled the language of its bill after a Webster Groves ordinance that covers ‘domestic animals and fowl.’ Residents are required to apply for a permit to have bees, just as they are for other animals like potbelly pigs, chickens and ducks. They are allowed up to five colonies.
“St. Charles also has limits, including that one parcel of land can’t have more than five honeybee hives.
“In St. Louis, residents can have up to six hives. Violators can face fines.”