New York Times writer Erin Griffith reported last week that, “One day this quarantine, who can say which, I encountered the following pieces of information: Zoom, the videoconferencing company, saw its stock hit a new high; Zūm, a ride-sharing venture, cut its work force by a third; and Zume, the robot pizza start-up, failed to… Continue Reading
Author Archives: Keith Good
During Outbreak, Home Prices Stay Steady, So Far
Wall Street Journal writer Nicole Friedman reported last week that, “The economy is shrinking, businesses are closing and jobs are disappearing due to the coronavirus pandemic. But in the housing market, prices keep chugging higher. “Home prices plunged during the last recession after a housing crash caused millions of families to lose their homes. Home… Continue Reading
USDA Announces Grants for Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production
Last week, USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) indicated in a news release that, “The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced the availability of $3 million for grants through its new Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production. The competitive grants will support the development of urban agriculture and innovative production projects through two categories,… Continue Reading
During COVID-19 Outbreak, Farm Land Values Appear to be Steady
DTN Special Correspondent Elizabeth Williams reported recently that, “Although farm finances are tight for the fifth year in a row and the cash flow outlook is grim, farm tenants are generally honoring their leases this spring, real estate experts said, and land values appear to be holding steady. “When most cash rents were paid on… Continue Reading
USDA Allows Flexibilities for Organic Certification Amid Coronavirus Pandemic
A news release this week from USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) stated that, “Approved Insurance Providers (AIPs) may allow organic producers to report acreage as certified organic, or transitioning to organic, for the 2020 crop year if they can show they have requested a written certification from a certifying agent by their policy’s acreage reporting… Continue Reading
USDA Applauds Missouri Court Ruling on Meat Processing Plants
A news release today from USDA stated that, “U.S. Secretary Perdue today applauded the decision made by the District Court of Western Missouri which ruled that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has the primary jurisdiction over worker’s safety in meat processing plants across the country during the COVID-19 national emergency. “‘This ruling affirms… Continue Reading
‘Murder Hornet’ Worries Washington State Ag Officials
Reuters writers Omar Younis and Dan Whitcomb reported yesterday that, “Hundreds of Asian giant hornets, an invasive, predatory insect dubbed the ‘murder hornet,’ have turned up in Washington state near the Canadian border, where they pose a threat to humans and the beekeeping industry, state agriculture officials said on Monday. “The stinging Vespa mandarinia can… Continue Reading
FSA Reminds Producers of Ongoing Disaster Assistance Program Signup
A news release Friday from the USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) stated that, “The [USDA] has started making payments through the Wildfire and Hurricane Indemnity Program – Plus (WHIP+) to agricultural producers who suffered eligible losses because of drought or excess moisture in 2018 and 2019. Signup for these causes of loss opened March 23,… Continue Reading
USDA’s New CRP Pilot Program Offers Longer-Term Conservation Benefits
A news release this week from USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) stated that, “[FSA] will open signup this summer for CLEAR30, a new pilot program that offers farmers and landowners an opportunity to enroll in a 30-year Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) contract. This pilot is available to farmers and landowners with expiring water-quality practice CRP… Continue Reading
COVID-19 Impacting Start-Ups, Where Many Now Have Low Cash Reserves
Siddharth Venkataramakrishnan reported this week at The Financial Times Online that, “A survey of 200 UK start-ups in fields ranging from advertising, education, fintech and software has shown the precariousness of young companies in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. “The most striking statistic in the survey by London venture capital firm LocalGlobe was that… Continue Reading