Category Archives: Start-up Company Law

Topics that may be of interest to new companies or individuals/entities that finance them.

Agritech Start-Ups Are Disrupting Farming

Financial Times writer Emiko Terazono reported yesterday that, “Hauling corn from field to silo on a truck, South Dakota farmer Chet Edinger is having a good harvest. The mood of the 53-year-old, who also farms soyabeans and wheat on more than 5,000ha of farmland, has been boosted this year by a corn seed recommended by Farmers… Continue Reading

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Business Initiative Seeks to Bring High-Paying, High-Tech Jobs to Rural Iowa

Des Moines Register writer Donnelle Eller reported on the front page of Sunday’s paper that, “Microsoft’s Kevin Scott understands the limits teenagers face growing up in a place where cows outnumber people and opportunities for tech careers are limited.” “‘I faced a hard choice: I wanted to stay in Virginia — I wanted to stay there with my friends and… Continue Reading

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Big Tech vs. Flyover Country

An update last week at the Real Time Economics Blog (The Wall Street Journal), stated that, “ and Google’s decisions to add tens of thousands of jobs to New York and the Washington area reflect a growing divide in the U.S. A few big cities, particularly on the coasts, are soaking up high-tech talent and are… Continue Reading

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Tech Funding- Asking For More Money

Paula Sambo indicated recently at Bloomberg Online that, “Michelle Scarborough, who runs one of the world’s largest venture capital funds dedicated to female-led startups, sees one big difference between men and women in the space: men demand more money. “Coaching women to make more forceful pitches is one of the things Scarborough does as managing… Continue Reading

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Omaha Startup Finds Success on the “Silicon Prairie”

Omaha World-Herald columnist Matthew Hansen indicated recently that, “You don’t need to be a genius to understand how Flywheel is changing Omaha. You don’t even need to fully grasp what the Omaha tech startup actually does.” Mr. Hansen explained that, “Five short years ago, this company that sells products and services to web designers had… Continue Reading

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Things to Consider When Undertaking a Startup

Barney Thompson recently penned an item at The Financial Times Online titled, “Six ways to avoid legal danger in a start-up.” The column pointed to advice entrepreneurs should consider when undertaking a new startup venture. While discussing the first tip, “Good friends make bad business partners,” the FT article stated that, “‘So many people have fantastic… Continue Reading

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Veggie-Selling App Meicai is Said to Raise New Capital

Bloomberg writer Lulu Yilun Chen reported yesterday that, “Meicai, a Chinese startup that helps farmers sell vegetables to restaurants, raised at least $600 million in a funding round led by Tiger Global Management and Hillhouse Capital, people familiar with the matter said. “The money will be used to expand as the startup competes for a bigger… Continue Reading

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Minnesota Startup “Raised Real” Delivers Nutritional Pouches to Assist with Meal Preparation

Kristen Leigh Painter reported recently at the Minneapolis Star Tribune Online that, “Jen Biswas spent every Sunday afternoon chopping, steaming and puréeing foods for her firstborn when he was a baby. “With her second child, now 11 months old, she doesn’t have to. A startup company called Raised Real sends her a box of flash-frozen… Continue Reading

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Perspective on the Startup Pitch

In a column posted earlier this week at The Financial Times Online, Andrew Hill stated that, “The pitch — that moment when an entrepreneur briefly has a chance to market their idea to an investor — has acquired a hallowed status in the start-up world, and beyond. “Manuals abound (Pitch Perfect, Life’s a Pitch, Perfect… Continue Reading

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Surging Organic Consumer Demand Led Startup to Establish ‘Indentity Preserved’ Venue

Financial Times writer Gregory Meyer reported yesterday that, “An American entrepreneur is building a wholesale commodity market to meet rising demand for food that is free from pesticides and bioengineering. “Kellee James leads Mercaris, a US company that hosts online auctions for organic or non-genetically modified crops. Hundreds of thousands of bushels of grain and… Continue Reading

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